Monday, November 11, 2019


Today is Sunday, I reminded myself as I arose at 6:00. Glancing out the window at the neighbor’s roof, I noticed that it didn’t freeze. In fact, it was 41. The street was wet, but it didn’t rain enough to register on the gauge.

Today I devoted to machine embroidery. I’m making a small nativity of freestanding lace for a friend in the Philippines. Her tree is already up. It will take about four weeks for my gift to reach her, so it really IS time to finish this project and mail it. And next week is the P.E.O. holiday silent auction for which I plan to make some organza snowflakes and leaves. Hard to believe the time is upon us.

I messaged with Mike and also with our children, and son Clint rode his bike over for a visit. The route from his house brings him down to the river and back up to our house. I didn’t envy him the ride back home and offered to take him, but he said he wanted the exercise.

Limbs missing in middle of tree
I was disappointed to discover that the resident mule deer have munched Mike’s prize cypress trees. In six months, this is the first time they have bothered them, but it only takes once. I just don’t know if they can make it now. I found a bottle of deer repellent in the garage and sprayed it around – too little too late, I fear. Only time will tell.

I worked on a lot of “list” items today but didn’t finish anything. In fact, I add more to the list every day. That’s a bit discouraging, but I’m afraid if I didn’t have a list, I might not get anything done. KW


  1. We don't have trouble with deer, it's the moose! And an occasional elk. They do love to come feast but usually not until late in the winter when they've been driven down by all the snow higher up. And then there's the bunnies in the summer--they love gardens! Fortunately, they don't seem to care for squash plants.

    The ornament in the hoop looks beautiful. Be sure to show us how they all look before you sent them on.

  2. Yes, the bunnies will eat your beans but perhaps not your squash. The deer love the squash, though, so I keep it behind a fence. We have a few bunnies on the farm -- and a lot of deer this year.
