Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Monday – My phone rang at 6:00 a.m., awakening me from a sound sleep. It was Mike wanting more info about the state of the cypress trees. I shouldn’t have told him about the deer damage, I guess, but I have to deal with it, and he just as well know. So there! It was time to be up and around anyway.

So, after yoga, I took myself to JoAnn Fabrics and bought 15 yards of netting at 3 yards for $4.00 on sale. I figure $20 to help save the trees (maybe) isn't exorbitant, and I can always use the netting on the farm. Back home, I swathed the trees as best I could.

A son opined that a cypress tree probably doesn’t taste very good, even to a deer, and I think he might be right. I discovered that the limbs had been torn off and left lying on the ground. Some buck was probably desperate enough to try to rub his antlers on our poor flimsy trees. I doubt the experience was satisfactory for him and somehow that makes the damage to the tree seem all the worse.

Niece Becky texted to say she was in town today. We agreed to meet briefly so that I could give her a gown for Hazel, her granddaughter’s doll. I wanted to send the gown in a box rather than a padded envelope. I’m glad this has now been accomplished (even though it wasn’t on the list).

My armchair purchase was a couple of skeins of DK yarn on sale. You don’t find out-of-the-ordinary yarn at our rather small JoAnn store, so I bought it even though I can’t say I need it. 

Speaking of shopping, does anyone else think that prices are rather high? The suggested price on the three-wick candles at Bath and Body Works is $25.00, and that’s just too much even if sales and deals are frequent. So, I decided to shop candles at JoAnn’s and was surprised to find the suggested price there is also $25.00. Of course, stuff is marked up so that it can be marked down, but still it means we're paying more at the cash register. And I see this scenario everywhere.
'Out cold!'
"Out cold"

Mike called again in the afternoon. He and Yancey began their hunt today. The GTI is at a VW dealership in Denver, and he’s worried about it. And he’s upset about his cypress trees, and the day’s hunt wasn’t productive. But – that’s his story to tell. It sounded as though Bess had a lot of fun, though. Yancey posted this photo of her after their hunt.

In the afternoon, I finally settled down to the machine embroidery project, and by suppertime I had had enough of project work. And speaking of supper, I’m out of leftovers and didn’t feel like cooking was worth the effort, so I opened a can of vegetable soup. KW


  1. Whenever we do something that's not on the list, we add it and draw a line though it. Yippee, something done!! It all counts. (:

  2. Ha! I figured that out. I just added "Met with Becky," "Write to Leah," and "ironed Mike's shirts" to my list and crossed them off. Oh! I'm making such good progress!

  3. Oh! I feel sorry that you had to take care of those trees all by yourself. I have two volunteer cypress trees that I’m growing in pots. They aren’t as big as yours, but I’ll bring them in the spring as backups. Free plants!

    Is Bess on a dog bed or a bean bag chair? Does Yancey still have dogs?

  4. I missed you while I swathed those trees, thinking of the great job we did on the cherry tree at the farm. But at least this time I had plenty of yardage -- 15 feet per tree.

    What variety of cypress are your plants? Ours are Leyland.

    I don't recognize the dog bed. It's either something that Yancey provided or a bedspread on the floor. I have been assured that they are staying in dog-friendly motels.
