Friday, November 15, 2019


Grandma has a new swingset at her house

 Now it’s Thursday. I was up at 5:00.

Mike plans to arrive home on Sunday, so I’m organizing my list with that in mind. My priority is to clear away the mess I’ve made in the living room. The bulk of it relates to my “add to” collection of vintage Christmas cards. You may recall that early in staycation I had purchased a plastic shoebox, which ultimately didn’t work after all. I nearly lost my resolve to reorganize the collection, but today I spent several hours categorizing the cards. Then I undertook to sort out a mishmash collection of Christmas stickers leftover from the ‘50s or before. Much of it went to the trash. It was time. So, now it’s all in this one nice box, but the problem is that the box isn’t deep enough for a few of the cards. I can hear you thinking that I’m obsessive over some very silly things.

The card collection ties in with the advent project, which is coming right up. I’m not a good storyteller, but I take a little flight of fancy in December because so much that used to mean Christmas – and still does in many families – no longer happens for us. I make the most of it by imagining the simpler Christmas celebrated by my Grandma Ina (my dad’s mother). Then our simple Christmas seems just right. 

Speaking of change, sometimes it seems rather abrupt. I was saddened last night as we passed a local gift shop that closed a couple of months ago. Even last year it was decked out beautifully for the holidays and was a lovely bright spot in its neighborhood. The owner hosted holiday open houses which we attended. Now the store’s function has changed to an 8:00 to 5:00 business, the after hours darkness a stark commentary on societal change.

Mike and faithful Bess with one pheasant
I thought I wouldn’t get a gift today, but late in the afternoon I discovered the mailman had left a cute Dept. 56 swingset at the back door. Considering that I ordered things without any plan, I've had consistent daily deliveries. 

Mike sent a “hunt” photo this afternoon. He said it was slim pickings. They were headed back to Denver. KW

1 comment:

  1. That little swingset is just perfect! And very cute. I got several packages this week but they were utilitarian so not very exciting. I'm with you though, packages are something to look forward to. Your card collections reminds me that I have a pile of postcards I received from you years ago and my intention is to give them to you. Or get them in the mail. Don't hold your breath!! I thought you might like to read what you were up to "back in the day."
