Saturday, November 16, 2019


Friday – Can you believe it’s been a week since Mike and Bess left? Mike sent an instructional text regarding the weekend football games. I “tackled” setting up those recordings this afternoon.

I was awake and stirring around at 5:30 and on time for yoga at 8:45. Then it was back to the post office with the mailing to the Philippines. This time I divided the nativity figures into four envelopes – one for the mom and each of the kids. “Very nice,” said the same postal clerk. Total postage was $4.75 as opposed to $13.00+. Simple envelopes are the way to go. And while I was there, I purchased a sheet of Christmas stamps. I have some left over from last year, and we don’t need many.

Then it was on to Albertsons for a few things.

It was a dreary day, and it went by slowly. I read instructions and gathered fabrics and supplies for the next projects, but I just didn’t accomplish much today.

No gift today – so I shopped for digital patterns, and in the end, I didn’t buy those either. I still might, though, depending on the offer.

Mid-afternoon, I took myself for the customary walk. A light rain had begun and continued into the evening.

Supper was green salad and potato soup. I love a simple old-fashioned potato soup, but Mike doesn’t care for it, so I indulge in it when he’s away.

Nothing much happened today. Staycation is winding down. I’m ready. KW

1 comment:

  1. We love potato soup, too, and now I make it in the Instant Pot. I love it when soup season comes around. Nothing like it for coziness on dark, dreary days.
