Sunday, June 7, 2020


Dad [Jack] finished seeding last week and would have been done weeks ago if the weather hadn’t been so bad. As it is, he won’t get to planting before Monday and won’t finish probably till the middle of the month. June [Jack’s twin brother] is still working his ground.
Ina Dobson to her son Vance – June 6, 1933

Friday evening, June 5
It was 45 when we began to stir this morning. 45 on June 7! And it's not much more than 50 this afternoon. Well, we’ve had cold Junes before.

Friday, June 5
I often think of Grandma Ina when we’re at the farmhouse. It was her house first, after all, and she likes to be here. No, she’s not a ghost. She was ready to move on when she left us in 1958, and she doesn’t linger here. She’s simply a figment of my imagination, and I enjoy thinking about her, especially in the evenings. 

Friday, June 5
As daylight wanes, Ina scurries around the house to finish her chores before dark. And the house is dark before it’s dark outside. Of course, she had more chores to make the house comfortable for the evening in winter than in summer. During the warm months, she and Grandpa Jack would  work late into the evening, taking advantage of the long days.

Nevertheless, I thought of Ina Friday evening when dark clouds at 5:00 p.m. made the evening much darker than we would expect at this time of year. We had to turn on lights during supper, a luxury Ina didn’t have. We had a thunderstorm here with some rain.

Mike cleaned a room at the barn today, and Bess thought it must surely be about shooting clay pigeons, one of her favorite activities. She was so excited, so hopeful, that we finally humored her. Mike grabbed a shotgun and I climbed into the loft to throw the pigeons. I just don’t have words to convey Bess' enthusiasm for the sport. KW


  1. Such weather we've been having!! I'm thankful for the sunshine and promised warmth of today. Hmmm, but as I look up, I see some dark clouds. . . I guess it'll be what it will be. Dan actually lit the stove yesterday because it was so cold. We still need to get some flowers for the pots by the garage door, but since it's been so cold, it doesn't even occur to us to go look. Glad Bess had a good day!

  2. We had a fireplace fire most everyday at the farm -- you know, for a while, to warm the house. I haven't shopped for plants at all -- just have a few seed packets. We hope to transplant iris to the bank behind the house, but the ground gets so hard!

    Looks like we'll have a few pleasantly warm days and then more rain and cold for the weekend.
