Tuesday, June 9, 2020


I watched yesterday as dark clouds drifted across the sky threatening to unleash a torrent of rain. Instead, we awoke today to a dull gray day and gentle rain. It wasn’t warmer, though, and even in town this afternoon, it’s only 62.

As I hinted in a previous post, Mike had a reason (beyond geocaching) to go to Grangeville on Thursday. He visited “Clearwater Barns” (here) and ordered a shed to serve as his farm “shop.” He’ll have shelving, a workbench, and storage for his tools and the sundries he keeps. (I can’t complain; I keep sundries, too.)

When we first moved here, I helped Mike assemble a metal shed. I thought at the time that it wasn’t adequate for his needs, but he thought it was good enough. I even thought that we could tear the barn down and have exactly what we need. Oh, I know – the barn is historic and wonderful, but it’s deteriorating, has outlived its purpose, and harbors rodents, snakes, birds, etc.

Anyway, Mike didn’t see it that way, so we assembled the little shed, and with the passing of 15+ years, it IS indeed inadequate and has serious drawbacks at this time. He can barely stand up in it and is tired of forever banging his head on the low door frame. The mice are a constant problem.

So, you may recall that we bought a storage shed for the town property several years ago. We call it my shed, but the fact is we both love the convenience of it. We will now have one of the same size (8x12) at the farm built by the same company, Clearwater Barns. It will be more secure, less accessible to the mice, have head room and shelving, and Mike will install a workbench. AND – he won’t be forever banging his head on the door frame and it won’t be an eyesore. We should have done it years ago, but we’re happy to do it now.

It won’t happen without some work, though. Sunday Mike cleaned out a storeroom in the barn where he can put the contents of the shed while he transitions to the new one. And some things, such as the chemicals, will stay in the barn, he says. A neighbor will take the old shed and help us prepare the site. We’re looking at August for delivery, so we have some lead time.

So, that’s our summer project. And maybe it’s of interest to some that daughter Hallie and Nick in Seattle are remodeling the kitchen of their little Tudor. The old kitchen is history now. They did the demolition and a contractor will help them put it back together. KW


  1. Ooo, a new shop! Good for you! And Hallie's finally getting a new kitchen?? I'm so excited!! Can't wait to hear (and see) more!

  2. Are you on Instagram, Chris? (You don't have to answer here.) As you know, Hallie has a blog, but right now she doesn't have time to update, so she's posting pictures of the kitchen project on Instagram. You two should be followers.

    I think the new shop will be good for Mike and ultimately good for me and the house, too. We'll see.

  3. Yes, I'm on Instagram. I'll look for Hallie!
