Monday, September 7, 2020


Interesting sun-and-clouds phenomenon

Wind damage to maple tree
A ferocious north wind is blowing even as I write. It seemed to come up all of a sudden, though it was predicted. It slammed doors and tossed pillows on the floor before I managed to close the windows. It blew the front door open and scattered newspapers across the living room floor. It blew a garbage can and the cooler off the kitchen porch and re-arranged furniture on the porch. It broke limbs off the maple tree as we watched.

And it’s Labor Day! It just doesn’t seem right that it should be so stormy on Labor Day, supposedly summer’s last hurrah. Glad I’m not camping.

Oh! But it feels so autumn! The wind howls and shrieks around the windows and the corners of the house. It’s so Halloween! The predicted overnight low is 35. I’d say that summer is over – that it really can’t come back from this, but the forecast shows temps in the 80s again beginning Thursday. Hmmm. We’ll see.

I have been working through a stack of old jeans on the bed in the vintage sewing room so that I can turn to more creative and seasonable projects. I patched three of Mike’s worn-out jeans, but he agrees that he really doesn’t need more work jeans or even cut-offs. With a couple of exceptions, we agreed that the rest could become rags, either that or I’ll tear them into strips for rag rugs. On some hot day later in the week, I’ll sit on the porch and tear jeans into strips. KW

[Mike took the pictures here with his phone. The scenery shots were taken on our morning walk (pre-windstorm).

[I reverted to Legacy Blogger in order to post these pictures.]


  1. Yes, it continues to blow up here, too. Looks like they're having trouble with a fire in Colfax which is being whipped by the wind. I, too, closed windows, and our poplar trees have shed many limbs. Stormy indeed.

  2. It looks like the wind did some serious damage to the maple tree. Must have been quite a blow. Probably didn't do the fires much good. I've heard many of the fires are being set intentionally to create more havoc. Crazy times.
