Saturday, September 5, 2020


Son Milo is here visiting us over the long weekend. He’s getting a much needed rest, so the time has been quiet. I really don’t have much to report. 

Except – we needed some dairy and produce, so we went shopping at Barney’s Harvest Foods in Orofino this morning. And – oh happiness and wonder of wonders! – I found the Daily Shower Spray for which I’ve been searching. I bought two bottles.

Barney’s also carries Farman’s Cucumber Chips, my favorite bread and butter pickles, which I no longer find in the Valley. I bought two jars.

As a Winco shopper in the “metropolitan” Boise area, Milo thought the prices at Barney’s a little steep, but that’s to be expected in a small, rather remote town. He wondered if Orofino residents travel to Lewiston for groceries. Perhaps. When I was growing up in Orofino all those years ago, my parents believed it was important to patronize the home-town businesses. And I’m glad to shop at Barney’s from time to time. We need them.

Due to the pandemic, in Washington state, we must wear a mask to enter a business. In Lewiston, masks are recommended, I think, and staff and most shoppers wear them. But at Barney’s, none of the employees were wearing masks and maybe about half the shoppers. I wear a mask when I shop regardless of the requirement. The three of us wore masks.

Harvest still hasn’t resumed in our neighborhood. KW


  1. I was pleasantly surprised at the assortment of products Barney's offered when I was helping Mom and Dad with their shopping. It's a nice little store and I enjoyed shopping there. Sadly the IGA was a disaster (at least at that time), so the trip downriver to Barney's was a necessity.

  2. Yes, Barney's has a nice assortment of products and some good specials, too. We also discovered that Barney's is THE grocery store. Orofino proper is a disaster -- not what it was when we were growing up.
