Friday, June 4, 2021


Cottonwood Butte from under the old apple tree at the pond

Nick and Hallie arrived at the farmhouse at 12:30 a.m. Friday morning, having started from Seattle about 5:00 p.m. Even so, we were all up early. Hallie said that “first grand-dog Primo” was excited to be at the farm and spent a restless night, ready to begin patrol duty.

Thursday afternoon, Bess developed a disturbing cough that continued throughout the day Friday. By Saturday she was much better. I saw her chomping at wasps on Thursday, and I think she might have gotten stung in her mouth or throat.

Mike & Nick take turns to make hole
Hallie supervising

The apple trees Mike and I bought the previous Tuesday were begging to be planted, and that was our first chore. The four of us worked together to get them into the ground. Hallie installed tree watering bags around them, which should be very helpful, especially since it turned off warm. Hopefully, our mini orchard is now established. Dare we hope for some good apples next year?

Saturday, we went to the Gilbert Cemetery. I set real bouquets on my dad’s and Grandma Ina’s graves. Everybody else got artificial ones. I love to show remembrance at this old cemetery where so many are now forgotten.

In other gardening, we planted a tomato, green beans, and zucchini. We dug out some lilac shoots and planted them on the bank behind the house.  We’re taking a chance with that. It might be too late in the season. And Hallie mixed wildflower seed into a planting compound and we planted those on the bank, too.

Nick & Primo on tree

Nick helped Mike finish cutting the pine tree into rounds. Now the rounds just have to be split into firewood. And Hallie counted 102 rings. She says it’s not less than 102 years old.

On Sunday, son Clint spent the day with us. That was the day we had our traditional Warnock burger dinner. We thought of other family members who could not be with us. As Mike’s mother would have said in her southern drawl, “We wished for you all.”

A view from the pond

Most afternoons, Mike and I walk down the lane and up Plank’s Pitch to the top, and when we have company, we make it a group walk. Friday afternoon, Hallie took a power walk and was quickly way out ahead of the rest of us. She isn’t running right now, so a good exercise walk is important to her. On Monday it was warm enough that we couldn’t face the heat (the sun beats down hard on Plank’s Pitch) and took a leisurely walk around the pond instead. Even Mike confessed he was tired after his bike ride and glad of a slower, shadier pace.

Tuesday, Hallie and Nick stopped at the town house on their way home and helped us bring our bed frame and mattress into the house and set them up. They were back in Seattle by suppertime. As for us, we spent the afternoon getting connected, cleaning, and carrying things into the house from the garage. KW


  1. I thought of you all weekend and knew you were having a wonderful time. I love your title!

  2. Thank you, Chris. We remembered those who are no longer with us, and we made memories.
