Sunday, June 6, 2021


Mike and I were anxious to move into the modular home after completion of the painting and carpeting, but it would not be a simple process. On Tuesday, June 1, we began cleaning and moving whatever we could from the garage to the house. Of course, our first interest was in making the tv workable and connecting to the internet. Fortunately, Mike took pictures upon dismantling, but interpreting the photos was another thing. Still, he persevered and won.

Next, I decided to do some laundry. My first attempt was a complete failure – no water. The hoses were connected but turned off. We rectified that, and I chose the “cool” setting for my wash, but when the washer finished, the clothes were hot-hot-hot! Okay, simple fix – switch the hoses. Next, the dryer was deader than a doornail, and the diagnosis (not plugged in) was easier than the fix. The cord was on the floor behind the dryer, and in pulling the dryer out, we pulled the vent loose. Mike went over the top of the dryer and behind it to fix things more than once.

Wednesday, the painter came to take care of a few exceptions we had noted. The paint job was great but the clean-up / detailing was lacking. Hallie says if it weren’t that, it would be something else. "Move on," she says, and she’s probably right. We continued to move between the house and the garage, cleaning and sorting. We can do only so much without our furniture.

Thursday morning the dual recliner sofa we purchased months ago was delivered and set up and finally the place began to be comfortable.

As always, one thing leads to another – clean this before doing that, etc. I had cleared out the linen closet in the bathroom, pack
ing our soft goods in garbage bags so that I could store breakables in the linen closet without having to wrap and pack them into boxes. So, in reverse order, I carried the dishes back to the breakfront so that I could unpack the linens. It was a chore, but I’m still glad that I didn’t have to box up all that china. Lennox, anyone? KW


  1. That room looks really livable. I like the choice of chairs/recliners. You did great.

  2. Thanks, Chuck. Do you recognize Grandma Ina's rocking chair? It was originally covered in that '40's crushed blue velvet. We had it reupholstered in the '90s. We wanted a chair that would balance the size of the recliners, and Hallie suggested we use this rocker.

  3. The dryer was not only not plugged in but the gas had been turned off which we didn't discover until attempting to dry clothes.
