Saturday, September 24, 2022


“Even though it’s just Thursday, I’m going to change the bed,” I announced to Mike. (Changing the bed is a Saturday chore.)

“Oh good!” Mike remarked. “I was wondering when I could change to warmer pajamas. My knees have been cold.”

Isn’t that silly?! He could change pajamas anytime – I certainly do – but his habit of frugality dictates that he waits until I change the bed. I guess there are worse things than frugality.

Two mule deer -- almost camouflaged 

We had a nice soaking rain on Thursday (Sept. 22), and now we’re moving into the “season of layering” when we don a light jacket in the morning that we can easily remove as the day grows warmer. Next week will see some hot afternoons, and then the temps will drop by ten degrees or so, if the weatherman can be believed. No sign of a freeze yet, but the mornings are decidedly chilly.

Could they be twins?

The photos here were taken on a recent evening in town. As I ran an errand to my little shed, I startled three mule deer doe apparently gnoshing on the bank. Two ran up to the flat while the third hid on the other side of the pick-up. Apparently deer have a pungent aroma because Bess noticed their presence from inside the house and came out to stand beside me. By that time, the third deer had joined the other two, and we all stared at each other. When Bess finally lunged at them, two ran off while the third continued to stare at us accusingly, as if we were the interlopers! Come to think of it, maybe we are.

Could this be mom?

Back at the farm, Mike and I transplanted eight silver sage (wormwood) and several other plants from the town garden to the orchard / meadow behind the house.  I plan to bring more plants from town as the season progresses. If they don’t make it, we’re out nothing but some effort. Oh! – and I have all those daffodil bulbs that I planted in town to dig up and plant here. I hope I can find them!

I picked half a dozen tomatoes and enough strawberries – beautiful berries – to make shortcake for dessert. The zucchini is just disgusting – only two small squash. Good thing I bought one or we would have no zucchini bread.

And lastly, little Bess was so tired after yesterday’s hunt and the drive to the farm that she had trouble finding a good spot for her nap. She just couldn’t get comfortable. But as tired as she was, she still insisted on the customary game of fetch before dinner. KW


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