Friday, September 30, 2022


It brought me up short to realize that September is over. I should have known because the days grow shorter by leaps and bounds, or so it seems. Summer has been singing her swansong, giving us some hot afternoons to remember her by, but it turned cooler and rained half an inch yesterday. Unlike the East Coast, we here in the West needed that rain.

Bess and I enjoyed a brief staycation while Mike and son Clint participated in a group ride to Thompson Falls, MT. I can be philosophical about Mike’s absence, but Bess misses him terribly. Sometimes she’ll be rather offhand toward him when he returns, but when he arrived this afternoon, she let him know she was glad to see him.

So, how did I celebrate this short staycation? Mike and Clint were barely out of the driveway when I hopped in the little GTI and headed to Walmart for printer supplies. I also looked for towels in Halloween colors to embellish with machine embroidery. The local market doesn’t offer much, but I found gray towels at both Walmart and Dollar Tree. I would have preferred purple and orange. The towels at JoAnn’s were already decorated.

Back at home, I continued to work on the Grinch quilt. And that’s the way I spent much of my time except for Bess’ care and feeding. Oh – and I also crocheted on the “Spiderweb Blanket.” I started this last fall in black and white but didn’t care for the stark contrast. I tore it out and started all over using an off white.

Spiderweb afghan & towels

And then yesterday afternoon, I shut my laptop down and it wouldn’t restart. I tried everything I could think of or that my children suggested. I was set to take it to the laptop clinic this morning, but before I did, I tried once more to reset it, this time holding that button down for more than a minute, and that did the trick. Whew! Was I relieved!

Well, it was nice visiting with you. Mike is here. Time to get busy. KW


  1. Thanks, Becky. I'm not into horror, but to me October feels enchanted and I love to decorate accordingly.

    I recently saw this spiderweb afghan pattern in shades of purple and thought that was effective. I've also thought of making smaller "spiderwebs" as chair backs.

    Thanks for commenting.
