Saturday, June 3, 2023


Here’s an update and some photos on activities at the farm last week.

 As previously mentioned, the county road department had dumped gravel on the road that adjoins our lane. The grader came in on Tuesday (May 30) and smoothed out the ruts where the road had washed at the bottom of the lane. Naturally, that doesn’t solve the problem, but we are pleased nevertheless. The ditch and an eroding bank need to be addressed, and we hope that happens this season.

We sprayed the young apple trees in our orchard – twice, one week apart. We hope the apples are now protected. We also sprayed the pear tree and some of the old apple trees – just not thoroughly – so it remains to be seen if this is effective. We hope we can organize this effort earlier next year and perhaps even spray the big “winterstein” tree.

In summary:

·      We have seen tiger swallow-tail butterflies and bumble bees in our orchard meadow.

·      We've seen only a few deer (whitetail), and we wonder if the wasting disease is affecting the herd in our area.

·      A pair of mallard ducks might be nesting on the pond, but sometimes the water fowl move on. I suspect Bess makes them nervous.

·      We still have gophers and pocket gophers (etc.) in the yard, and I am rapidly becoming familiar with their ways.

·      So far, if we’re going to trap a mouse, it will be in the utility closet under the stairs.

·      We have yet to sight a rattlesnake.

Some transplants from the town garden to the orchard/meadow at the farm have been successful, and we will do more. Mike purchased a plant identification app for his phone last year, and it’s wonderful. We have identified certain plants (weeds?), and if we find them desirable, I place markers.

Little Silas is scheduled to visit next month. I understand his parents will come with him. I am planning activities for his entertainment and edification. And maybe some other grandchildren will visit this summer, too. We hope so. KW



  1. Great story, great pictures. Summer is about here. The scenery at the farm is beautiful. I hope the trees do well.

  2. Glad you haven't seen any rattlesnakes!! Did you see the picture Carla posted on FB of the one she ran into?? Yikes!

  3. Hi Chuck! It has been lovely at the farm. I hope the trees do well, too.

    Hi Chris! Yes, I did see Carla's rattlesnake post. Fortunately, rattlers aren't aggressive. We just don't want to invade their space.

    Thank for your comments.
