Wednesday, June 7, 2023


Misty Morning (Tuesday, June 6)

The farm grounds keep us busy. At the same time, we just can’t take it too seriously. It is what it is.

Once again, my garden didn’t sprout. I thought of my dear old dad who said during one of his last summers, “Kathy, something ate the corn right out of the ground." We didn’t have corn that year.

The beans came up but are being nibbled. The carrots, lettuce, and beets are sparse to nil. Disappointed and mystified, I researched online gardening sites for advice. Does something eat the seeds right out of the ground? Yes, probably. Does something eat the sprouts? Yes, probably, and while it could be bunnies and rodents, it’s probably the birds. 

So today I replanted lettuce and carrots (I’m out of beet seeds) and interspersed some beans. Then I covered the larger raised bed with netting. We’ll see what happens.

The tomato plants and summer squash look good, and I’ve already picked a handful of strawberries. I have to pick them on the green side or the birds get them.

Workers arrived at 8:30 Tuesday morning and replaced the front dormer windows. They were finished and gone by 9:20.

I spent the afternoon in the kitchen yesterday. I made Golden Graham chews, strawberry pretzel dessert, and vegetarian lasagna. The good part is that today we can eat leftovers.

“It’s almost dark – time for bed,” said Mike last night. That’s the way it is on the longest days of the year. KW

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