Wednesday, October 18, 2023


In a previous post (here), I wrote about Grandson Silas’ “lovey,” a flannel receiving blanket in a design called “Monkeys on Bikes.” I hemmed it for him before he was born. He calls it “Monkey,” and it has as much personality for him as a stuffed animal would. Monkey goes with him everywhere, so it gets lots of loving and even sees some abuse. Naturally, Monkey’s company is especially important in times of stress and upset and is sometimes the only thing that comforts him. Monkey is now a rag but just as willing a companion as ever.

Last spring, Hallie (Silas’ mother) became concerned that Monkey would not last “the duration” and asked if we could find more of that fabric to make a replacement. I was unsuccessful and instead I made a blanket from a different monkey design. Silas declined to make "New Monkey" his go-to lovey. 

During our stay in Spokane, Monkey got caught under an ill-fitting door, and Silas pulled him out causing a threadbare spot. He didn’t notice, but for Hallie, it was an “oh no!” moment. We again searched online for “Monkeys on Bikes” flannel.

“We just need to find the person who is hoarding three yards of this fabric and willing to part with some of it for a price,” I said to Hallie. I’m well aware that this happens. If there isn't an online fabric swap, perhaps there should be.

So, after Mike and I left the family in Spokane, they went to JoAnn’s to see if they could find “Monkeys on Bikes” or at least some information. A joyful Hallie later messaged that when Nick learned the fabric was called “snuggle flannel,” he searched “Monkey snuggle flannel” on eBay, and an offering for “Monkeys on Bikes” came right up. She immediately ordered the piece – a yard and a half for $17. Frankly, I didn’t think that was a bad price for an out-of-stock design, especially when nothing else will do.

Silas wrapped in the Grinch towel

And Hallie added that while they were at JoAnn’s, Silas saw a truck ornament, so they had to leave, the implication being that he threw a tantrum as two-year-olds are wont to do when they don't get their way. Leaving was the right move, but I couldn’t help but think about all the times I’ve been in JoAnn’s while a child behaved obnoxiously. I prefer peace and quiet as I shop, but I understand and take it in stride. In fact, just last week, I overheard one mother of a noisy child say to her companion, “I’ll just come back by myself next week,” to which the companion responded, “No, we’re here now.” Sigh!

Hallie eagerly awaits the arrival of the flannel so that she can make “New Monkey.” I’m anxious to know if Silas accepts this “New Monkey.” I wonder if it’s the print or the feel of it that makes the difference to him. Hallie says if she has to wash it a hundred times to make it acceptable, that’s what she’ll do. KW


  1. Yay for new monkey! And she may well have to wash it; as we all know, sometimes the "feel" is the special part. Cameron loved to find the "spot" where the satin binding met and overlapped on his special, and was once heard to wail, "I can't find the spot!! I can't find the spot!" when he was in need. So true that the right wording is crucial. Love the picture of him with his Grinch towel! Looks like it was a hit!

  2. Nick pulled the fabric out of the shipping bag yesterday to look at it and then I insisted that we cover it on the table. He must not know there are two! Later, he spied the smallest edge of a wheel and started talking about “more Monkey”. “No…I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I insisted. I need to launder it and then do the sewing. I thought I might get right to it last night, but I didn’t have the energy. It may happen on the weekend.

    Silas DOES love his Grinch towel. Last night, I told him to stand up in the tub so I could turn him into a Grinch. Then, once I had him wrapped up, he said he wanted to see the Grinch in the mirror. I lifted him up and we giggled about it.

  3. I enjoy watching the "New Monkey" process. So glad to hear it's the right flannel. Strange things happen with online orders sometimes. I don't work much on projects at night. For one thing, I don't handle problems well at night, and mistakes are more apt to happen when I'm tired.

    It's affirming to know that Silas likes his Grinch towel.

  4. We must remember to never refer to him as "New Monkey" to Silas. There can only be one Monkey... I sure hope it works!
