So, do we call it late summer or early fall? Whatever, we’re having cool mornings and evenings and warm afternoons. Can you believe Labor Day is just a week away? Summer went by in a whirl.
Bess and I staycated at home while Mike and his motorcycle-riding buddy made a weekend trip to Canada. I loved it – Bess, not so much. She was at loose ends, wondering how long she would have to endure my clumsy care and when Mike would be back.
As longtime readers know, a good staycation commands a reward or two – for me, not for Bess.
“But I don’t need a thing,” I told myself; “not a thing!” I have too many books, too much fabric, and lots of leftover yarn. In short, I have enough, if not too much, stuff, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to have more. I’m disciplining myself to buy less, but I’m also not having much fun.
then,” advised that inner voice, “get out and buy something you don’t need. Do
since it was too late to order anything, this advice took me to JoAnn’s. I had
already decided to embark on projects using Halloween fabric, and since those
are among my favorites, I decided to call my stash an “add to” and get a little
more. (See photo)
And while I was at JoAnn’s, I enjoyed a discussion with the associate cutting my fabric choices. We talked about how the personal stash gets out of hand. And we agreed that it costs as much to make a scrap project using leftovers as it does to start with a fresh idea. It’s best to just donate yarn and fabric from time to time and move on, we said. New fabric comes on the market all the time and with it, new inspiration.
We also agreed that it’s difficult to pull fabric and the ideas together. “What is this inertia that sets in and keeps us from doing what we know we want to do,” we wondered. We were still wondering as I walked away, but I felt validated.
It was a quiet staycation. Bess and I accomplished the morning walk, but she balked in the afternoons and wouldn’t go farther than across the street. I tried three times! I guess it just didn’t look right to her without her master.
Well, Mike’s home now, and all’s right with the world. He’s unpacked and the motorcycle is cleaned and put away. Now he’s off on his bicycle for a couple of hours. KW
Just when I get going on a reply, the computer goes somewhere else. Then when I get back, I have lost my train of thought. Anyway, you need to make a bucket list of things you might enjoy. I'm getting a bucket list for things I probably don't need, but would like to have. If you don't come up with anything, I could send you my list. You would probably think they were silly things.
And you would probably think my list is silly. It's not about what's on the list. It's about enjoying life. When I was on one of my many diets, my dad said that he thought people should enjoy their food. In all things, some discipline is necessary.
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