Thursday, January 10, 2019


It is so beautiful! A picture wherever you look! – Ina (February, 1936)

Of course, Grandma Ina was speaking about the exterior winter views. Hallie mentioned that she would have liked more photos of our trip to the farm last Friday, and I think she meant interior photos. It was not possible, though, because the truth of the matter is that the house was a mess. When I took this picture of the dining room, I was standing in the midst of cans. The kitchen counters were covered with "what have you," and all the floors are covered with heavy paper to protect them as the work continues. Also, five people were working intently at their assigned tasks. I was in the way and eventually sat in the pick-up to wait for Mike.

Ina' view -- 1934
During this process of remodel, it’s been difficult to visit the farm. In the beginning, the contractor cautioned us not to enter the house due to the mold. I could have done a much better job of organizing the storage effort had I been there. The contents of affected rooms were just stacked precariously into unaffected rooms, burying anything I might want. We really couldn’t go there for more than an hour or two, and I’ve felt badly about that, but the contractor was good to check with us frequently.

. . . and the same view today
As the homeowner, though, I’ve felt like an outsider. The workers are polite and respectful, but they are responsible to the contractor, not to us. Well, 2019 will see the end of this process, and we’ll be able to make ourselves at home, welcome family and friends, and make a sandwich in the kitchen. KW

1 comment:

Chris said...

Yay to making sandwiches in the kitchen!! And kudos to you for skillful photography! :-)