One of the perks of having a county commissioner’s son establish a home near us is an improved road. Honestly, it has been horrible for years with deeply eroded ditches on either side, but suddenly the county is working on it and just in time for our reunion.
yes, we’re here at the farm, and I’m taking a break from my chores to write
this brief post.
We came yesterday, and not only was the county grading the road but the farmer came in to spray the fields. I took a lot of pictures. They are also planting the neighbor’s field to the north beyond the gulley. Great to see all this interesting activity. More often than not, we miss it.
is working so hard (manual labor) while I sit to write this post, so I’d better
close for now. I’ll write a yard report another day. But – as a final note, I’ll
just add that I hung a feeder and a hummingbird showed up within half an hour! I
must hang the other feeder now. KW
It's beautiful there. Great pictures. Looks so peaceful and inviting. Well except for equipment noise. Were you able to see the Northern Lights last night? If so, I bet they were spectacular there.
Hi Becky! I suppose I'd mind the equipment noise if it went on for hours, but the work is accomplished so quickly that I don't mind. Also, as the machines move at a distance from the house, the noise is less noticeable.
We saw northern lights, but I wouldn't say they were spectacular -- just a glow. In fact, when we went to bed -- just before 10:00 -- the sky was still too light. I think it was midnight when I saw the glow. We plan to pay more attention tonight. Quite a phenomenon. And the original family here enjoyed the night sky, so to see northern lights feels like a link to the past.
I've heard that some of that farm equipment is so sophisticated that it just needs a body in the seat, and the machine will do the rest. I wonder if a "farmer's tan" is still a thing.
Yes, the machines have GPS now. Working the fields is not an interesting job.
They get their tans when repairs must be made to the machines.
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