Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Here's the link to the news story presented by Morgan Romero of KTVB 7, Boise, regarding the tort claim:


The lawsuit is for the benefit of Milo's heir, Mason Warnock, who is disabled and greatly impacted by the loss of his father. Mason lives in a group home but he and Milo were planning to get an apartment together when Milo was released from prison. They had other plans as well. "I just want Mason to have a good life," Milo said.

Additionally, the purpose of our seeking legal action is to bring to light the issues at the Idaho Department of Correction and encourage prison reform. KW


Hallie said...

This has been an interesting process that has shed light on all sorts of things that are wrong with "the system". We are fortunate that Milo told us as much as he did and that there are people out there who have been compelled to reach out and provide information and support.

Kathy said...

Yes, we ae privileged to have the resources and support to fight for Milo and others like him. I have a greater understanding of what it means to be incarcerated and an appreciation for what inmates tolerate. It's one thing to hold people for the protection of society -- if that's what it's about -- and quite another to place them in harm's way.