Sunday, July 7, 2024


Winter wheat cooking in the heat, July 7

Morning low – 62

Temps: 85 at 11:00 a.m. / 88 at 2:00 p.m. / 90 at 4:00

Breeze – 5-10 mph

Attic fan on – 11:09 a.m.

The hummingbirds are staying hydrated. How about you?

Alexa tells me that the Excessive Heat Warning is now in effect through the 10th. First it was the 9th, then the 11th, then the 12th, and now it’s the 10th. This appears to be the height of the heat spell, but just looking at the extended forecast, it will continue to be in the 90s here and over 100 in the valley in the foreseeable future. I don’t see a cooling trend.

If memory serves, back in the days of my youth, we thought it was hot in the valley if it was 90. And here at the farm, the thermometer rarely, if ever, reached 90. It was always more comfortable here at the farm, and the breeze was lovely. The breeze is still lovely.


To continue yesterday’s story, the cows cut across June’s field to the road and doubled back to the lane. Some of them ambled down the draw while a 15 head or so entered the north field at the apple trees. 

As the three of us approached on our evening walk, those in the field turned tail and ran across the field to the west. They were soon out of sight over the rise, and we haven’t seen them again.

It's very quiet here. I think the grackles left. Good riddance! KW 

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