Saturday, September 14, 2024


Sometimes the muse just goes away. Fortunately, Mike’s travels have given him something to say, which relieved my muse during a testy week. And it’s not over. This next week, Milo’s cellmate has a court appearance to enter his plea – IF it happens. We know all too well that these things are often postponed. And we are fortunate that we don’t have to go. It doesn’t really matter about that guy, you know. I’m not vindictive toward him. He’s in prison, and he will stay in prison. It’s the system that’s at fault, and we have joined with others to support change.

Anyway, we went to the farm in the pick-up on Monday (Sept. 9) and stayed until Thursday. On Tuesday, we loaded the red fir that Mike had cut the previous week and then topped off the load with pine from our stockpile in the barn. Mike is glad to have some red fir to add to his firewood mix.

I finished the white “afghan stitch” afghan except for the embroidery. I laundered it, and now I will put it away so that I can enjoy more seasonal projects during the wonderful “-ber” months. KW

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