Saturday afternoon, our new fridge was delivered. I had to
wait a few hours for it to cool before I could stock it, but by suppertime, I
had it mostly loaded.
I could see that it would be a challenge to store our usual
foods in this relatively small side-by-side model, so I researched online for ideas.
I put sticky notes inside the fridge to remind me of the best areas to store
certain foods because recommendations are different from my usual habits.
The shelves allow for very little adjustment. “Use bins and
containers,” recommended the folks at Frigidaire. I know all about using bins
to store fabric, but I had never thought of using them in the fridge. Perhaps you’re
laughing at my ignorance. In researching bins, I discovered I had three or four
refrigerator bins on hand that had belonged to son Milo. “So, that’s what those
are,” I said to myself, and out to the shed I went to retrieve them. Before I
could use them in the fridge, I had to remove the fabric.
Those bins are perfect for so many of those odds and ends
that need to be corralled – shredded cheese, tortillas, seeds and nuts, etc. You
know what they are.
And this fridge is so quiet! That Kenmore (LG) French door model was noisy. It had a deep hum and also rattled loudly for days on end. It was driving Mike nuts.
The downside is that it’s so small. We will have to pay attention to what we buy and store. You wouldn’t think two people would need all that much cooling space, but I think we need more than a family. I remember when I had teenagers, they ate up the food every day, but for Mike and me, I have leftovers and partial containers to store. KW
I hope your new fridge serves you well and you can downsize as needed.
I bet this is you, Chuck. It will work out because it has to. Our fridge hole just isn't that big. I think we're going to have to be especially careful where condiments are concerned. We tend to keep varieties of barbecue sauce and marinades. It's an area where we'll have to cut back.
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