Mike contacted one horse owner in the canyon who said the horse wasn't his, and we believe him. So, yesterday afternoon, Mike climbed onto his XT and approached Little Canyon by road. He found a second horse operation, and the hired hand said they keep a lot of horses, not just their own, and allowed that one or two might be missing. It's unclear if anything will come of this contact.
Last night, Mike went upstairs to shower after supper and called down for me to see the doe and her fawn under the pear tree. I took the camera and crept into the downstairs bathroom. They both saw me immediately -- whether by sight or by scent. (I expect I do have a scent of some sort.) The doe was eating the pears while the fawn stood back near the grass where it was nearly camouflaged. Knowing I was there, the doe commenced to stamp the ground, which I took to mean that she really wanted pears for supper. Meanwhile, Bess stood in the hallway whining to go out, and when I opened the kitchen door for her, the doe whistled -- yes, whistled -- for her offspring, and off they ran behind the grove. I think she was a young doe, but she was doing her best for her baby. KW
Great story! I noticed a difference in font size from the second previous to the previous to this one. Are you changing the size, or is it automatic? If the deer were better neighbors, they could be quite entertaining. The horse, maybe not.
It's fairly simple to work with Blogger, but it's a little quirky. I made the font bigger hoping that the post would accommodate six photos. Both the horse and the deer know where the fruit trees are.
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