Saturday, June 24, 2023


Not quite so green

The past week was cooler, and mornings were especially chilly (low 40s). No matter the daytime temp, the summer sun feels hot.

Swathed cherry tree

Mike and I came to the farm on Thursday (June 22). He mowed and I watered, and that just sounds way too easy for the effort we expended. We also swathed the Lapins sweet cherry tree, and Mike sprayed weeds.

The strawberry bed rewarded me with 1 ½ cups of berries. And I was elated to see a yellow crookneck developing. In fact, all the garden plants had grown since last week. The carrots and lettuce sprouted, too. I don’t know to what I owe this success. Fertilizer? Cooler temps? Protecting the beds with netting? Keeping the faith? Planting the tomatoes with crushed eggshells? All of the above? I just don’t know, but at this point it IS the best garden I’ve ever had.

For years I have wanted a pair of garden shoes, so it seemed like a logical staycation gift. I ordered these “Sloggers” online. So many colorful designs to choose from! I offered daughter Hallie a pair as well, and she chose a sedate indistinct floral design on black. Honestly! No telling some people’s taste. She could wear them to work. She probably will. KW

Lapins sweet cherries


Hallie said...

I'm not sure I'd wear them to work, but it is certainly possible that I would wear them to run an errand.

Kathy said...

Yes, Hallie, and especially if it's raining. I'm anxious for your to try yours on. Mine slip a little on the heels. They offer a kit to convert to half size. (They come in whole sizes.)