Monday, June 25, 2018


We’ve been staycating for a week now. The days have flown by. Nothing spectacular happened here – and that’s a good thing!

It was 7:00 by the time I was ready to walk with Bess. I meant to take the camera but when I got out on the road, I didn’t have it. The hawk was still there guarding his territory but seemed less aggressive. Perhaps he knows from experience that we aren’t really interested in bothering him.

A hot day was predicted, so I closed the house early and turned on the A/C in the afternoon.

I had a nice visit with the neighbor today, and several phone chats with family. Mike called tonight to say that he and Yancey enjoyed today’s ride through the Colorado mountains. Tomorrow he and Yancey will go their separate ways. Yancey will ride home to Denver while Mike’s plan is to be in Blackfoot tomorrow night. He hopes to come on home Tuesday. Yes – long days.
Honestly, I couldn’t make this day sound interesting if I tried. Maybe I can do better tomorrow. KW

[Photos: So glad I had Mike bring in another large dog pillow. Both Bess and Nellie enjoy the room to stretch out. And the third photo is of a doll afghan I finished during this staycation.]