Tuesday, December 25, 2018


Sadie was allowed to slip down and get her sock before everyone else was up. We only stipulated that it should not be too early morning. I put a book in the top of it, so as to keep her quiet till we were up. After breakfast she was allowed to take off gifts and hand them around and was delighted. It was another “skimpy Christmas,” with everyone well-remembered. – Ina

And Ethel wrote:

We had a jolly time and much clacking of tongues was heard in the land. A large and varied menu was enjoyed, to which everyone did justice until the dessert was reached, then one and all “passed” until a later date. Ruth was the only one who felt able to have dessert but balked when she found she’d have to solo on it.

Vintage Advent Calaendar
We women gathered in the kitchen after the table was cleared, opened the oven door and gathered round in various attitudes of comfort. Then we “let our hair down” and visited. The men trickled off  to do chores, but “Aunt and the girls” stayed until later. The holidays faded away gradually . . .

And now our Christmas 2018 slips quietly into the past, joining 1934 and all the other past Christmas celebrations in the annals of time.

But – Christmas 2019 is in the offing, and we have a lot to do to get ready. Will one year be enough? Oh! I can hardly wait till Christmas! KW


Chris said...

Yes, I, too, am thinking of projects to start for next Christmas!! The snow and the decorations are helping to inspire me.

Kathy said...

I have a lot going on in my mind. That's where things go on -- in my mind.