Thursday, June 18, 2020


Today, Mike finished cleaning out the lightweight metal shed that has served to store his tools and yard potions for 15 years. I helped him load the floorboards and carry them to the barn for storage. 

It's a dog's life.
After lunch, Neighbor Pete came over and the two of them pushed and shoved the unit onto Pete's flatbed. I don't think it was too hard on them, but I always worry a bit. 
. . . and he's off!

Down the steep part of the lane
Up to Plank's. "I think I can."

Pete took it home with him and will use it to store pellets for his stove. At least, that's the plan.

We didn't follow him home. I hope he made it with the little shed.


Chuck said...

In picture 2, did the tractor or the trailer run over Bess?

Kathy said...

Haha! You know that in reality neither the tractor nor the trailer came near Bess. Even though we have plenty of soft, weedy grass, the driveway is one of her favorite resting places, and she was obviously unconcerned about what the men were doing. She seems to have enough sense to get out of the way when the time comes.

Chris said...

Bye-bye little shed. You've done your job and now it's time to move on to your next stage. Looking forward to seeing your new one arrive!